Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 1 - 5.25.2011 - Beijing

So it is the end of the first night in Beijing. Our plane landed at around 3:00 or 3:30 pm local time. My dad and I had to wait for the rest of the People to People group to land before we could head to the hotel. By the time we left the airport in Beijing and headed for the hotel, it was closer to 5pm local time. The first day was pretty un-eventful: we arrived in China, got to the hotel and settled into our room, napped, ate dinner, and now I am sitting in an almost empty hotel restaurant editing photos by myself. Tomorrow is jam-packed full of adventures, and I cannot wait for my explorations of the "Forbidden City"!

Camera equipment all packed and ready to go!

Chinese woman on the airplane reading a Chinese newspaper.

View of the runway from San Francisco just before take-off.

View of Beijing from the air just before landing.

The hotel we are staying in Beijing - The Swissotel.

View from our room on the 12th floor at sunset.

View from our hotel after the sun went down.

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