Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 6 - 5.30.2011 - Guilin

Well tomorrow is already our last full day in Guilin. For a rural city in China, it has sure made another huge impact on my life, similar to the impact made on me in Old Beijing.

Today we took a riverboat cruise up the Li River, then headed for a very rural elementary school, that People to People Ambassador Programs (the company I am traveling with), where they have donated time and materials in building a new classroom for the children there. Seeing those little kids who live in such poverty, and yet are so happy and very compassionate, made me appreciate where I come from even more.

It was very hard for me to hold back tears as the little kids loved seeing their photos I was taking of them on my digital camera. Almost every single kid there wanted to either give me a high five, or throw up a peace sign. As we left the school and headed back to the bus, I couldn't hold back the tears any more. Even though we didn't speak the same language, and I knew none of their names, I felt an overpowering love for those children unlike anything I have ever felt before. I will forever remember those elementary school age children at the Xia Yan School in Guilin.

After leaving the poverty stricken rural area of Guilin, we headed for the South China Pearl Museum. We learned about the difference between fresh water and salt water pearls, got to see an oyster cracked open to reveal a hidden pearl, and even saw a fashion show (displaying some of the pearls sold at the museum). After leaving the pearl museum, we headed back to the hotel where we met with some of our new friends we met during our trip for dinner and a few glasses of wine.

Some of my favorites from today:

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