Saturday, June 25, 2011

Angela and Zoe - June 2011

Angela has been one of my best friends since I was about 13 years old. Now living in the Los Angeles area, Angela comes up north whenever she can, to visit. While in the Folsom area this past week, she asked if I could take some professional photos of Zoe, her daughter. With my camera by my side, Angela, Zoe, and I walked to the river by my house. After the shoot, we were walking back to our house, and Jeff took this photo of Angela, Zoe, and me along the bike trail. It was an over-exposed shot, but as Jeff said it best, "It was a moment that had to be captured quickly and without thinking about exposure." After he worked with it in Photoshop for a few minutes, I really liked the end result, and I had to share his beautiful work!

Photo Credit: Jeff Matthews

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