Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Been a little behind in blogging... and here's why.

The past five to six months of my life have been a whirlwind to say the least. Sometimes, life hands you a dump-truck full of lemons, and you better be prepared to make a sh*t-ton of lemonade, whether you like it or not!

Anyways, I didn't sit down in front of my MacBook to describe in detail, all the tragedies and woes of "The Days of Kristen's Life", but to share some of the positives that are happening! First and foremost, my website is officially done! I have had some graphic design classes in both community college, and at university, however, web design is truly a language all in it's own. A handful of classes will not necessarily prepare you for making a professional, functional website. How can you properly create something that you know very little about?

So for the past few months, I have been treating my brain like a sponge in the realm of web design. After a couple hundred dollars, and countless nights glued to my laptop reading then experimenting, k.smith photography.com is finally 100% live! The part that makes me the proudest is that I did it 100% on my own!!

Secondly, as most of you know, I have a waitressing job to support my photography job. The place where I have been, we will call it "Restaurant X", has been more stress than its worth. While working on my site the past few months, I also hunted vigorously for another waitressing/bar-tending job, and continued to work at "Restaurant X" 5 days a week. (Yes, I know, busy girl!) After months of waiting for a spot to open up at one of my choice restaurants, I finally got the call... Fingers crossed, I'll be starting very, very soon!!

Now that the past few months of web design are under my belt, I'm ready to get back to what I do best, sharing the beauty I capture, with the world. I have made a promise to myself these past few weeks to always stay true to my one true love... photography. I promise to post something new at least once a week to share with the world. I promise to always put my best work out there. And more importantly I promise to stay open to criticism and new ideas.


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